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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Please check your guns for bullets before cleaning

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

What was he thinking not to check if the gun was unloaded before cleaning it? Isn’t that the first thing you do when cleaning a gun? Lucky he didn’t hit some more important parts on his lower body!

The Late Dharam Pal..... Really late that is!

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Vargoyle’s Comments:
How would you like if your employer considered u dead for showing up late? Like a few years late? lol That’s what’s happened to this poor soul and his family really thought he was dead. I’m glad they report someone here just as missing money when you have a back check.

The Inflatable Husband

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Shoot these have been around for along time. I was in line checking out at Spencers gifts one evening and saw a lady buying one. They call it “The Inflatable Husband”