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Friday, August 04, 2006

This slot machine is ten times as fun to play!

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Vargoyle’s Comment’s:

This casino lost a ton of money in putting this machine on the gaming floor. $487,000 must have meant that a lot of players sat down and had an automatic win. The name of the slot machine speaks volumes of what happened. Dubbed “Extra Money”, that is an understatement! I wonder how many people want to turn back in their “Extra Money”?

Now you can get your business logo on a M&M. What will they think of next?

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

This is great business idea. I think this will really take off well. I mean the M&M’s brand is known world wide. Now you too can have your business logo on a M&M. I bet it wont be long before someone proposes by handing his fiancée a handful of M&M’s that say “Will you marry me?” The cost of the M&M’s in this program is reasonable also so they will have lots of business!

First ever European Masturbate-a-thon!

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Now I got a great question for everyone. How are they going to police this one? I mean they are quite safe with the guy’s knowing when they “got there” but with the women how are they going to even be able to tell? Anyway the money is going to a good cause. So people of the Masturbate-a-thon have a good whack session!

Place your bets, when will Castro Die?

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

When will Castro die? That the million dollar question. Now an online betting site is taking bet so have your money ready. I just wonder how they’re going to pay out if Cuba doesn’t announce his death. I mean with such little corroborated new coming out of Cuba how are they going to be sure of the exact day? I mean the people betting on the month are probably safe but the people betting on the exact day are taking a huge gamble but that what gambling is anyway.