How do you use that tool, Pricasso?
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
This story is great. But why tell everyone what tool you use? I’m sure he’ll make a lot of good Monet this way though. Real unique selling point. Good Job Pricasso!
More jelly beans than you can lift.
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
Just like winning the lottery! You know the gourmet Jelly Belly jelly beans fetch about $10 per pound so winning this is like winning $2880. I just hope he doesn’t eat them all! Anyway he really says he only weighs 278 lbs but they must have weighed him with an accurate scale as they get their scales checked most likely on a bi monthly schedule. I suggest he get his fill on the beans and just donate them to charity instead of making his family and friends fat.
I'm gangsta viagra!
Read This FirstVargoyle's Comments:
Wow, now we have gangs selling Viagra! Gang member probably stand around old folks homes and deal. “Hey gramps need “The Stuff””. $220,000 that’s a lot of boners!
I'm building a bar at The Southern State Correctional Facility... Just have to get the paper work in order.
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
This one is funny. Do you think if they approved this, this guy would have actually tried to set up shop? Well maybe he had a trash can filled with potatoes in his cell and he wanted to legally get rid of it!