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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

If you plan to rob a 7-11 make sure you have enough gas for a getaway.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Another stupid criminal story. This time the guy didn’t check to see if his gas tank had enough gas for the getaway. I guess if you plan to rob a 7-11 make sure you have enough gas to get away. I’d recommend at least a full tank as you never know how far you’ll have to run. Just my two cents.

What year were the September 11th attacks, sonny? I can't seem to remember!

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

What this poll data shows is that a lot of Americans are having signs of Alzheimer's. I mean a lot of the people that couldn’t remember the year are older Americans. That means in another 10 years 30% of the population will not even know who they are let alone any dates.

Grandma forgotten in bank vault for four hours.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

How could this happen? Don’t they inspect the vault before they close it to make sure all is secure? I mean this is bad. In the article it says they will give her further non-financial compensation. I would be right off to court to sue and even maybe charges of false imprisonment. Well good thing she didn’t have a medical situation while she was in there.