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Monday, July 31, 2006

Can I check your ID?..... Hey thats me!

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Wow. Yeah the odds of this happening are astronomical! She did the right thing by calling police as I would have slapped her or something of that sort. Plus she probably was involved in the theft of $1000 from her credit card. You know identity theft takes awhile to get all sorted out and is a total headache.

Shh. Quiet please don't disrepect the dead, fish that is.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Well this weird game actually sounds like what they claim as “the most fun a person could have with a dead fish.” is actually true. Now the animal rights people say this is disrespectful to dead fish. I think if that’s the case, why we don’t donate some huge piece of land for a very nice fish cemetery. Then fish then could rest in total peace knowing that they won’t be used to knock a guy off a block.

Way too much scientific research to do, so much I havent seen a movie in 50 years!

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Whew 50 years without a movie? Darn what cave has this guy been living in? He’s missing out on all the greatest special effects! 50 years, shoot wasn’t that just when they had silent black and white movies? Nah that might have been a little longer ago but I know it was black and white. I suggest he just go on out and see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie ASAP!