Council approves funding for fire truck and then forgets it ever did.
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
You know Pottstown, PA residents should vote these guys out of office next election. I mean I have read so many stories of politicians not even reading legislation that they are voting for or even showing up for few votes. We should support a PAY FOR PERFORMANCE legislation. I mean if you can’t even show up for votes then you don’t deserve to get paid! These guys forgot they had approved an authorization for a fire truck and had to go back to the transcripts to see they in fact did authorize it. Then said well we did authorize it so that’s what we’ll go by.
Teen's worm sales squished by zoning board.
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
This is horrific. I mean the kid wants to make a little pocket change and he sure works hard for it. Now they want to take down his sign because of zoning laws. I used to think that this was a free country but with so many useless laws like this. Who can truly be free if your kid can’t even sell earthworms? No one.
Central Park squirrel has gone nuts.
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
Sounds like a rabies story. This disease is pretty rare nowadays but these are classic symptoms of it. The animal infected with rabies bites, and is unafraid of humans. They said the squirrel died and that to me is a clear indication the squirrel had rabies. They will most likely have to give all bitten and scratched a rabies vaccination. Poor fellows too as those shots are very painful.
Man pays parking ticket after 60 years.
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
This is a very heartwarming story. A guy finds a $1 parking ticket he forgot to send in from 1946. Then he sends in a money order to the police department that issued it after 60 years of being unpaid. But this is the best quote of the article, "At my age, when I go out of here, I don't want to owe anyone a dime.” That is a great idea guy. Yeah you don’t want to owe anyone, anything! The police department says it will not cash the money order and will keep it and display it in the department’s museum.