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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Girl falls asleep on flight then wakes up in same city she left from.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

A teenage girl gets on a flight from Malta to Sophia and happens to fall asleep on the plane and then wakes up back in Malta. How stupid are they? Isn’t it their company policy that the pilot is responsible for making sure all passengers have left the plane? Airline officials said that the plane was “not a place for sleeping.” I thought that was a big promotion thing is that passengers could sleep while they flew. Isn’t that why they give you that little pillow? I really think they should give this girl a refund as she had to pay $200 euros for another flight and lost four days in the mess.

Person get car towed in "fake" no parking zone.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

This has got to be the best practical joke ever. Most likely teens stole a parking sign from somewhere else and then placed parking sign where parking was allowed. Then before people wake up for work the police come ticket and tow their cars. I guess some people were a little steamed when they tried to get to work that morning. I bet the cost of towing and tickets will be dropped but still missing a day of work for this costs money.