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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

No Bears are not allowed in our casino, even if our commercial says they can!

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

This one is funny. The doors to a casino were open and a bear walks one in. And coincidence has it they ran a commercial where a bear walks in and gets fed.
They said they would have to pay more attention to security. That’s a real no-brainer!

I'll just leave my checkbook with ya.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Well these criminals keep getting dumber and dumber. This guy leaves his checkbook right at the scene of the crime with the teller. How did he think he wouldn’t get caught doing that? Now that’s what I call a paper trail if there ever was one!

Hey Doc would you remove a few fingers or maybe even a limb for me? They'll sure feel sorry for me!

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

This is a horrifying way to earn money. First go to the Dr. and have a couple fingers and maybe even a limb removed, then go out and beg for money. I just think none of these guys earn enough to make it worth it. And about these Dr’s, should be thrown right into jail. If possible maybe they should have a finger or 2 cut off just for good measure.

99 bottles of beer on the wall.. 99 bottles of beer...

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

What did this guy want to do, do a remake of the titanic? He was very drunk when they caught him. Anyone’s guess why he would show up at work so drunk. Well pass that beer around