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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Is that really David Copperfield? Wow he only looks 20 now.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Well looks like the search is over. David Copperfield has found the fountain of youth. He says it’s on one of his islands in the Exuma chain. He says if you drop a dead leaf in the water it will turn green again and look alive. I think I want some more tests done before I believe him though. Copperfield turns 50 next month but I guess we’ll never know that because he will only look 20 by the next time we see him on TV doing his magic.

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Better start saving now because you wont have a job soon.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

This is a very insensitive company to work for. They hand out a booklet that tells you how to save money because they are going to lay you off in the near future just so they can make more money. The title of the hand book is “Preparing for a Financial Setback”. Some of the tips include taking stuff out of trash and shopping at thrift stores. I guess that’s great advice huh? Well the company has stooped to the lowest level it could.

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Honey, that detour seems a little long.

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Wow at the price of gas right now that’s like almost a $10 detour! I bet motorists that find this out will be a little ticked. They made you detour 50 miles just so that the small town of Princeton won’t have higher traffic levels! They say the roads aren’t safe for higher traffic levels but I bet they are just fine. You know people touring are usually from a few hundred miles of there and are quite accustomed to rural highways. You know they should just have a voucher for this detour to pay for the extra gas!

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Subsidy’s for the well off!

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Vargoyle’s Comments:

Why would they want people that only make $160,000 in their neighborhood? Well so they can work for them that’s why! They are going to subsidize these houses costing $500,000 for people that make $160,000yr. I guess it’s a good deal for the people moving in but that’s the old saying “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” I really don’t consider you poor if you ONLY make $160,000 a year. In my area your doing quite well if you make more than $60,000 a year. Wish we could get our bills paid by the city!

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