I wrote all these tickets and all I got was this lousy T-shirt
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
This is bad, really bad. They should offer no incentives for police to write tickets. Not only is it a waste of taxpayer money but it tarnishes their standards. I hope they cancel this program ASAP!
I've sat down and I cant get up!
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
This must have been a funny police/fire department call. Poor lady is stuck to the toilet seat by super glue. All I can say is OUCH! She says she has burns from it most likely from the finger nail polish remover and the stickiness of the glue placed on the seat. I really hope she’ll be ok.
Killer honeybees now!
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
Poor boy. I guess you really can’t train for this like they said. That boy better watch out the next time he plans on running into a tree with his bike. The absolute best quote from this article is "They don't like to be jostled,” That certainly is an understatement!
Have sex with me or I'll call the police!
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
This must have been the lighter side of the policeman’s night. I can see it, them laughing when they left this call. I bet this couple is the butt of jokes now at the police station. Oh well not having sex with your husband/wife is still not a crime.
I wonder who left this gun on the toilet?
Read This FirstVargoyle’s Comments:
They won’t cite this guy. Why not? If a kid had walked in the bathroom it might have been bad. Good thing it was just an employee that found it. This security officer might be just a little dangerous leaving things like this around